Dr. A. A. Murkute
Dr. Ashutosh A. Murkute after completing Ph.D. from I.I.T., Delhi started research career as Scientist 'C' at Defence Institute of High-Altitude Research (DRHAR, DRDO), Leh-Ladakh. And worked on developing agro-technologies suitable for high altitude. Dr. Murkute as Senior Scientist, worked on post-harvest management of onion and garlic and protocol for production of virus-free planting material of garlic at ICAR - Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Pune. At ICAR – Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Dr. Murkute, Principal Scientist, worked on citrus improvement program and also projects on abiotic stress management. His team released of three citrus varieties i.e. pummelo (Citrus grandis) cv. NRCC Pummelo-5, Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) cv. Flame and Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) cv. Cutter Valencia through State Variety Release Committee (SVRC), Maharashtra and Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) cv. NRCC Grapefruit -6 through institute for commercial cultivation. He published research articles high rated peer reviewed journals of international repute on high-density panting, organic cultivation, tissue culture etc. There are many books, book-chapters, popular articles etc. to his credit. Through project of revolving fund scheme, he earned revenue of more than Rs 600 lakhs by selling quality disease-free citrus plants of acid lime, mandarin, sweet orange and other improved citrus cultivars. Appointment as an Adjunct Professor at I.I.T. Delhi; Member, Board of Management of Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior; Member of Institute Management Committee of ICAR institutes, Member of Academic Council of Nagpur University are some of the prestigious recognitions for his illustrious career. He was conferred with Fellowship of Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences, New Delhi, Indian Society of Citriculture, Nagpur, Society for Advancement of Research on Pomegranate, Solapur. At present he is working as a Director, Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI), Wardha (A National Institute under the administrative control of Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India) since 1st February 2023.
Sr.NO | Projects |
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Sr.NO | Publications/Patents/Varieties/Technologies/Any other |
1 | Ladaniya MS, Marathe RA, Das AK, Rao CN, Huchche AD, Shirgure PS, Murkute AA (2020). High density planting studies in acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). Scientia Horticulturae 261, Article no. 108935 |
2 | Marathe RA, Sharma J, Murkute AA, Dhinesh Babu K (2017). Response of nutrient supplementation through organics on growth, yield and quality of pomegranate. Scientia Horticulturae 214: 114–121. |
3 | Murkute AA, Singh SB, Singh PP (2015). Solar thermal greenhouse. Current Science 108: 12. |
4 | Murkute AA, Sharma S, Singh SK (2010). Biochemical alterations in foliar tissues of citrus genotypes screened in vitro for salinity tolerance. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 19: 203-208. |
5 | Murkute AA, Sharma S, Singh SK (2006). Studies on salt stress tolerance of citrus rootstock genotypes with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Horticulture Science 33: 70-76. |
6 | Murkute AA, Sharma S, Singh SK (2005). Citrus in terms of soil and water salinity: A review. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 64: 393-402. |
Sr.NO | Awards and Recognition |
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