The basic objective of the SCSP has been to channel the flow of outlays and benefits from the general sectors in the Plan of States for the development of Scheduled Castes, at least in proportion to their population, both in physical and financial terms.
One day training program and Distribution of Farm Implements
ICAR- Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur has conducted a day training program under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan at Sonoli, Taq.-Kalmeshwar, Dist-Nagpur of Maharashtra State on 20th August 2021. The distribution of farm implements i.e. Hand Hoe and Acid lime plants (50 plants each) to 20 scheduled caste farmers of the adopted village was also part of the training program. The kit distribution was also done during the program. The items i.e. Copper oxychloride, Carbendazim, Ridomil gold, Magnifying glass, Literature on citrus, Pen, and folder were included. The Director, Dr. D.K. Ghosh emphasized the importance of the Sub-Plan scheme and its implementation by ICAR-CCRI. He also advised farmers to use the material distributed in an effective manner so as to improve their income and livelihood. The lectures on citrus cultivation and its management which includes disease and pest management as well as soil and water management were delivered by the Scientists of CCRI. The lecture on the production of diseases free planting material of citrus was delivered by Dr. A. Murkute (Pr. Scientist). The guidance about the Selection of land and integrated nutrient management in citrus was given by Dr. A.K.Srivastav (Pr. Scientist) as well as Dr. D.T. Meshram (Pr. Scientist) guided about the water management in citrus. The lecture on disease control in citrus was given by Dr. A.K. Das (Pr. Scientist). The most important guidance about insect pest management in citrus was given by Dr. G.T. Behre (Pr. Scientist). After the lecture on raised bed planting systems in citrus and selection of rootstock was delivered by Dr. R.K.Sonkar (Pr. Scientist & nodal officer of SCSP). The control measures on fruit drop and weed management were given by our technician Mr.Bipin Mahalle. At the end of the program distribution of hand hoe and acid lime plants was done. As KVK and Grampanchayat is the main source for reaching the farmers, two power weeders i.e. one to the KVK, Dudhburdi, Nagpur-II and one to the Grampanchayat, Sonoli handed over in the presence of Dr.D.K.Ghosh (Director, CCRI, Nagpur), Dr.A.P.Somkuvar (Director, Extension Education, MAFSU, Nagpur), Dr, Sariput Landge, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK-Nagpur-II Mr. Bandu Waghade, Sarpanch of the village and Dr.R.K. Sonkar (Pr. Scientist and Nodal officer SCSP project). By the distribution of the acid lime plants (50 plants each) and hand hoe in the presence of Dr.Sariput Landge and Dr.R.K.Sonkar the program has ended. A few snapshots of the program are given below

Total 6 trainings conducted (since 2019-20) under SCSP scheme in which 547 farmers benefitted
Budget allocated for the year 2022-23 --- 20 lakhs
Nodal officer
Dr. R.K.Sonkar, Pr. Scientist ( Hort.)