First Regional Research Centre for Citrus of ICAR–CCRI, Nagpur at Biswanath, Chariali, District Biswanath, Assam
New phase of Citrus Research in NEH Region : ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute (CCRI) has started its first Regional Research Centre for Citrus (RRCC) at Biswanath Chariali in Assam and it is a beginning of new phase of Citrus Research under CCRI in NEH region. The Centre has already been operationalized with permanent staff. The RRCC has good road, rail and air travel connectivity from Guwahati and Kolkata. There is a lot of thrust on NEH region for the development from the Govt. of India and ICAR. With the operationalizing of this Centre of ICAR-CCRI at Biswanath in NEH region maximum activities of development shall be undertaken through this Centre and the staff posted at the Centre and also at the CCRI main campus at Nagpur shall do its best for the development of the NEH region through NEH funds. The Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat has leased out 42.5 acres of land at Biswanath College of Agriculture, Biswanath for the Centre which is functional from March, 2017. The Lease-Deed was signed between Dr. M. S. Ladaniya, Director, CCRI Nagpur and Shri. A.K. Saikia, Registrar, AAU at Jorhat in the presence of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. K. M. Bujarbaruah. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between Dr. Ladaniya and Dr. TapanBaruah, former Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Biswanath.The Centre was approved by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi in XII Plan. This Regional Centre will be providing all required technical guidance and assistance to citrus growers of particularly Assam and its seven sisters. This Centre will propel the citrus production particularly of Khasi mandarin further in the region with scientific eco-friendly technologies, transfer of technology programmes and disease-free planting material production.
The address and other details for contact at RRCC are
ICAR-Regional Research Centre for Citrus, Campus of Biswanath College of Agriculture, Biswanath Chariali -784176, Assam.
Office Phone : 03715-230014, 230015 Mobile : 7070993308
E-mails :

Renovation of old college building of BNCA
The BNCA has provided its old college building to start the centre. Renovation of old college building, electricity and water connections were done in March, 2017. Facilities like Desktop computer (1), Inverter (1), Printers (3), Office furniture were procured. BSNL landline and broad band connection were provided at the Centre.

Land preparation
Among 42.5 acres of leased out land at BNCA, 13.5 acres of land allotted at Horticulture farm, BNCA was cleaned and levelled primarily for the plantation of citrus. Considerable vegetation and nearly 75-80 oil palm trees were uprooted and land was cleaned and levelled manually, tractor drawn implements and JCB in the month of April, 2017.
Layout of land
About 4 hectares land was marked for conducting experimental trials at RRCC in the month of May, 2017. The land was mainly divided to four blocks (raised bed, flat bed, rootstock and germplasm).

Establishment of raised beds
A total of 18 raised beds have been established in 50x50 m block during May and June, 2017 for planting of different citrus spp. to evaluate their performance.
Pit making and pit filling
Pits of size 1.5x1.5 ft and 1.5ft deep were prepared on both raised beds and flat bed July, 2017. Pits were filled with vermicompost and top soil (1:1 ratio). About 500g Single Super Phosphate to provide phosphorus to growing plants and chlorpyriphos powder (100g) against termites were added to soil while filling pits. Pits were marked with bamboo pegs.

Planting of different species of citrus was done in August, 2017. Total 12 spp. of citrus were planted (16 plants each) at 5x3 m spacing on both raised and flatbed system. Further, 41 citrus germplasm accessions were also planted at the farm.
Nutrient management
Nutrients were supplied to the plants through the application of Urea, DAP, MOP at regular intervals for better growth of plants. Further, micronutrients like Zn, Mn, B, and Fe were supplied as a foliar spray to the new flush. Neem cake was also applied (@100g/plant) to the plants.
Irrigation management
The irrigation operations were carried manually at regular intervals for better growth of plants.
Weed management
Weed management was carried manually and occasionally, glyphosate (4l/ha) was applied to kill broadleaf weeds and grasses.
Pest and disease management
Incidence of citrus leaf miner, citrus butterfly, citrus psylla, citrus aphid, citrus looper, and citrus mealy bug were reported (Fig. 1). For the control of these pests’ insecticides, viz., acephate 75 SP @ 1.5g/l and thiomethoxam @0.3gm/l were applied. In addition, COC paste was applied to plant stem up to one foot from ground in January, 2018.
Training programme organized
Training programme under NEH plan: A training programme on “Production technology of Citrus” under NEH plan was organized at RRCC, Biswanath Chariali, Assam on 28th March, 2018. Ninety farmers from Sonitpur and Biswanath districts attended the training programme. Dr. K.K. Nagle, Director, Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute (FMTTI) for North East region, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Government of India, Biswanth Chariali was the chief guest of the programme. Dr. I.P. Singh, Principal Scientist (Horticulture), Dr. R.K. Sonkar, Principal Scientist (Horticulture), Dr Kiran Kumar Kommu, Scientist (Nematology) & Officer-in- charge, RRCC, Dr. D.N. Hazarika, Professor, Department of Horticulture, Biswanath College of Agriculture (BNCA) delivered lectures during the training programme. An interactive session and RRCC farm visit was also organized. A total of 90 farmers from Biswanath and Sonitpur districts attended which included 19 female farmers.

Visit of Officers to the Institute
Dr. V.K. Baranwal, Professor, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi visited RRCC, Biswanath Chariali on 17-02-2018

Station Incharge